Posted by Pam Cavallo on

You all know me by now, but for those that are new to BrainABC's and new neuromat® walkers, welcome! My name is Pam Cavallo. I am a special education teacher with over 35 years of experience. I have worked with a wide range of learners from ages birth to 21. My first teaching position was in a small town in Kentucky. I was the only self-contained special education teacher in the county. I had my own little building on an elementary campus which was actually down a little hill from the main building. On my first day my principal said to...
Learn how BrainABCs is managing COVID-19
Posted by Pam Cavallo on
Dear Neuromat Family, We at BrainABC’s want you to know that the health and safety to our affiliates, partners, and customers is a top priority for us. Due to the ever-growing concern of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) we want to ensure you that we are taking necessary precautions and following recommendations from the WHO and the CDC. Our supply chain includes only one transfer. From our warehouse to our shipping partners of UPS and/or USPS. We have been reassured that they are also following local and state guidelines. According to the World Health Organization, the likelihood of an infected person...
Walk This Way
Posted by Pam Cavallo on

Why should you walk on the neuromat®? First, let’s review the impact that movement has on the brain. “One of the most significant impacts of exercise on the brain is its influence in optimizing the readiness for the brain to process new information by being alert, focused, and motivated (Ratey, 2010). Exercise is one of the best ways to regulate the production and release of neurotransmitters—these are crucial chemicals for learning and memory. These wonderfully potent chemicals help regulate our responses to pain and pleasure, our emotional states, and our cognitive performances. They are what keep our emotional and physical processes in balance....